Health Longevity Clinic
Health Longevity Clinic
Clinic opening
The Health Longevity Clinic accurately diagnoses current physical function, psychological condition, and memory decline through a comprehensive evaluation of the elderly and provides a systematic health management plan through consultation.
- Clinic target population: 65 years of age or older, those who attend multiple hospitals and departments at the same time, those who take more than 5 medications a day, those with poor appetite and energy, those with unexplained weight loss, those who feel depressed and have no motivation. This applies to those who suffer from insomnia and those who fall frequently.
- Program progress:
1. Comprehensive evaluation and counseling for the elderly (independence, cognitive, depression, physical, urinary incontinence function, nutritional evaluation)
2. Assessment of drug adequacy;
3. Health promotion program (elderly nutrition counseling, elderly exercise program, vaccination, osteoporosis prevention and treatment, smoking cessation clinic, customized health checkup for the elderly)